2024-25 Free and Reduced Lunch
For those families in need of Free or Reduced priced lunch, please complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application. If you have already received a letter in the mail indicating that you have qualified via “Direct Certification” you do not need to complete an application.
Applications are available in Skyward Family Access, under Food Service, and then applications.
Step 1: Log into Family Access
Step 2: Select one of your students (upper left-hand corner)
Step 3: Click on the Food Service tab on the left menu tree
Step 4: Click on “applications” in the center of the page (in blue writing)
Step 5: Once the box opens, click on “add application” in the top row
Step 6: This starts the application process.
**Make sure you complete the step that allows sharing with other programs. This transfers to school fees, milk programs, Lakeland Sharing, and athletic fees.
Jocelyn Hardy
Food Service Announcement:
At least once every three years, schools must assess compliance with the local school wellness policy and make the assessment results available to the public.
The assessment measures the implementation of the local school wellness policy and includes:
The extent to which schools in the SFA are in compliance with the local school wellness policy;
The extent to which the local wellness policy compares to model local wellness policies; and
A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the local school wellness policy.
Here’s a link to our latest school wellness assessment:
Looking to participate in our school wellness plan? Please contact our food service director at (715) 356 - 3282 for more information and meeting dates.
Summer EBT: If your child(ren) qualifies for free or reduced-price meals this school year, they are also eligible to receive Summer EBT benefits for this upcoming summer. Summer EBT provides funds for each eligible child to help with the costs of food during the summer months. To learn more about this program, to update your contact information, or to opt out of receiving these benefits visit Summer EBT Benefit Management.